Info on developer key request page on XO

Richard A. Smith smithbone at
Tue Dec 2 18:52:07 EST 2008

Ed McNierney wrote:

> No, all I'm thinking about is having .devkey.html contain the postal  
> instructions in the HTML local to the machine, so it can be read by  
> someone without Internet access at all.  Someone can launch the Browse  
> activity, click on "get a developer key", and read the instructions  
> (and also, presumably, click the Submit button to make an online  
> request, too).

Request via postal mail?  Seriously? Is there some sort of license 
requirement for this?  Are they going to ship us a usb drive or sd card 
with the file leases.dat on it and then we ship back with the dev key on it?

Doing this via paper is absurd.  If you go through the support tickets 
you will find that we can't even get Joe non-tech person to type in the 
retrieval URL correctly much less a 256+ character string of what most 
would describe as gibberish.

If a thousand people do paper who is going to manually type in each of 
the key requests?

Richard Smith  <richard at>
One Laptop Per Child

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