Power-on to GUI in 20 seconds

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Fri Aug 29 19:49:14 EDT 2008

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 05:47:02PM -0400, Richard A. Smith wrote:
> [tuxonice keep image mode pointers]

So it appears I need to recompile and boot a tuxonice kernel to get an
image[1].  In case anyone can steer me away from the wrong direction,
I'm going to try:

# kernel-foo
1) to compile the olpc-2.6 kernel like [2]
2) pretend I can use an existing initrd (joyride-2366)
3) boot to verify 1) and 2) worked

4) apply the tuxonice patches[3] to olpc-2.6
5) repeat 1) & 2)
6) Follow the "Keep image mode" instructions

Any other pointers (including "ur doin it wrong") gratefully accepted.


1. http://www.tuxonice.net/HOWTO-7.html#ss7.5
2. http://grumbel.blogspot.com/2008/02/olpc-making-fuse-work.html
3. http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/nigelc/tuxonice-head.git;a=summary
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