qemu: generating ext3 images including activities

WolfgangRohrmoser at web.de WolfgangRohrmoser at web.de
Thu Aug 28 05:22:55 EDT 2008

Hi Eric,

  just a suggestion. Have you already tried to use the existing XO-LiveCD?
  You can run the ISO with qemu, you  can use VirtualBox 
  (probably much faster), or just boot it on your hardware.
  Maybe you save time, because many activities are already preinstalled
  and it is very easy to add more (the Peru customization key activities).


>I am generating this image because the existing ones are out of date
>with respect to the current Peru deployment's software, and they have
>requested if it would be possible to create a new image.  It would be
>sufficient to use an existing ext3 image [1] but I wanted to drop the
>customization key activities which Peru has into the image.

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