Breaks yum also? (Was: Missing critical dependency, Koji)

teoverton teoverton at
Sun Aug 17 12:36:55 EDT 2008

Am I right in thinking that all yum installs are still failing because of
this?  I'm testing joyride and can't seem to install any dependencies on any
of the three xo-'s I am upgrading.  Or is this another problem?  Is there an
alternative install method?  Sorry if this is basic, but I'm stuck.


Gary C Martin wrote:
> On 15 Aug 2008, at 05:37, Michael Stone wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 02:13:28PM +1000, James Cameron wrote:
>>> We don't have a duplicate of Koji we can use?  How wrong is that!
>> We talked about it but Dennis argued passionately that
>>   a) creating our own koji instance would be additional infrastructure
>>   that we can ill-afford to maintain and
>>   b) that creating our own koji instance would encourage sloth and
>>   laziness on the part of developers who were already reluctant to  
>> learn
>>   to do things the proper (Fedora) way.
>> Anyway, in the meantime, we have raw rpmbuild, mock (which needs to be
>> configured not to use Fedora's koji, but this is not so hard), our own
>> buildroot (probably hidden away somewhere on, and the
>> joyride dropbox system. In conclusion, we'll live.
> Just a quick double check – I take it that all yum attempted installs  
> will also be failing at the moment? Having re-flashed my XO last night  
> I was trying to pull in some additional system monitoring tools for  
> tests. Yom gives the error:
> : [Errno 12] Timeout: <urlopen error timed out>
> Trying other mirror.
> Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for  
> repository: olpc_development. Please verify its path and try again
> --Gary
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