All activities (except Terminal and Journal) are always LTR, despite the locale (Khaled Hosny)

Greg Smith gregsmitholpc at
Tue Aug 12 06:26:59 EDT 2008

Hi Michael et al,

Can someone look at this regression ASAP?


Can you file a bug to track this?


Greg S

> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 02:07:06 +0300
> From: Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny at>
> Subject: All activities (except Terminal and Journal) are always LTR
> 	despite the locale
> To: devel at
> Message-ID: <20080808230706.GA3932 at khaled-laptop>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> After updating to one of the recent joyride builds (can't recall the
> exact build, but somewhere in the last 2 days) all activities now are
> left to right; toolbar is LTR etc..., despite of the local. Only
> Terminal and Journal are RTL. Also, activities now doesn't respect the
> default sans-serif font from fontconfig settings. 
> This all are new regressions that didn't exist before. Looking at log
> files, I see lots of dbus.* messages that doesn't show in Terminal or
> Journal logs, see the attached log.

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