XO keeps staring at its own belly button

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Fri Aug 8 12:20:41 EDT 2008

On 8 Aug 2008, at 15:01, Eben Eliason wrote:

> 2008/8/7 Ixo X oxI <ixo at myna.ws>:
>> Some more 2 1/2 cents.....
>> Frequently, when I see such un-responsiveness..  likely I have  
>> clicked on an
>> activity icon twice by habit, they are both competing to start up.
> Are you reproducing this on joyride builds?  I'm pretty sure that
> there has been logic around (since 656 or so) which specifically
> prevents double-clicking from starting multiple instances of a single
> activity.  The new launching feedback in joyride is also supposed to
> prevent this.  If it's still possible, please file a bug.

Yea, I just confirmed this regression with joyride-2269 :-( Here's the  
track ticket:



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