Requesting test help for OFW development release

Mitch Bradley wmb at
Sun Aug 3 03:30:18 EDT 2008

I recently added a workaround to the OFW USB mass storage code so it can 
handle a particular USB-to-MicroSD adapter that was causing problems.

The workaround required some major surgery to the code, specifically to 
the way that errors are propagated through various levels.  I think the 
new version is uniformly better than before, and it passes all my 
tests.  But with USB, you never know, so I'm soliciting testing help 
from the developer community, i.e. XO owners who have developer keys so 
they can install unsigned images.

If you are willing to help, please download and install (1) and test (2) it with any USB 
storage devices - FLASH keys, hard disks, USB to SD adapters, 
multi-readers, MP3 players, etc - that are handy.  I'm particularly 
interested in USB 2.0 devices, but reports about USB 1.1 devices are 
welcome too.

q2e12f.rom is an unofficial build from top of tree, but it's generally 
in good shape, and I don't expect any serious problems with it.

Please report your results by adding comments to .

If you experience any failures, please try the devices with OFW Q2D16 
too, so I will know if the problem is a regression or a longstanding 

1. To install new firmware:

     - Directly from the network (you need access to an open wireless 
network ):

         ok wifi my-ssid
         ok flash http:\\\~wmb

         Actually, there are a couple of alternatives to open wireless.  
If you use WEP, you can say this before the "wifi" line:

              ok wep 1122334455
              ok wep 112233445566778899aabbcc
         depending on the key length.  Those are hex numbers

        If you use WPA, you can authenticate with the Pairwise Master 
Key as follows:

           ok pmk 11223344..   \ 32-byte key, i.e. 64 hex digits

     - From a USB key

       Download the image and put it on a USB key in /q2e12f.rom

       ok flash u:\q2e12f.rom

2. To test a USB mass storage device

    ok dir disk:\

If it doesn't have an OFW-supported filesystem (FAT, ext2/3) on the 
first partition, you can still test it with:

    ok .partitions disk

For multi-card readers, you have to specify the logical unit number for 
the occupied slot.  E.g.:

    ok  dir /disk at 1:\

Replace the "1" with the number of your slot.  You may have to try 
several slot numbers (0..n) before you find the right one.

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