How do I connect to a Jabber server ?

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at
Sat Aug 2 22:10:09 EDT 2008

Eben wrote:
> There has been lots of confusion about the difference between mesh and APs.
>  They're really not the same at all, apart from the fact that they both
> depend on the radio.  The new design no longer treats the mesh channels as
> objects in the Neighborhood view.  Instead, there will be (is? not sure if
> the patch landed yet) a mesh device in the Frame, which you can turn on (and
> off?) at whim.

I am anxiously waiting to *use* some of these improvements.


For the last several months, I've __NOT__ been able to connect to a 
Jabber server.  When I look at the running tasks, it's always salut. 
The XO is supposed to retry reaching the Jabber server every 320 
seconds -- but mine (using Joyride) has not had recent success.

Last spring, this all worked for me the way it was supposed to work. 
But since then, new OLPC software versions have been released -- and 
in my experience my OLPC is no longer connecting to a Jabber server.

[I don't have wireless at home, so I have to wait until I go to some 
sort of establishment that provides an AP.  But even when I am able 
to surf the net from my XO, I'm not connecting to any Jabber server. 
I've tried many - *surely* at least one should be working.]


For people in my situation, what I want is to be able to 'turn off' 
the XO trying to reach the 'school server' via the mesh (I'm a G1G1 
user, and will *never* have a 'school server' where I live). 
Instead, I want my XO to try HARDER, via the AP to which it is 
connected, to reach whatever (Jabber) server I've specified.


p.s.  These may be written down somewhere - but I've not been able 
to find explanations for "how to move a connection" :

(A)  Suppose a kid is communicating with his 'school server' via the 
mesh.  Then he walks so far away that his radio no longer reaches 
the school.  If he happens to be within range of an alternate AP, 
how would the transfer from 'using mesh addressing for the school' 
to 'using internet addressing for the school' be handled?  [Does the 
kid ever have to do something manually, such as re-starting Sugar ?]

(B) Suppose a kid is using the Jabber facilities at his school to 
contact an "overseas" buddy.  Suddenly the communications link 
between the school and the internet fails.  If the kid happens to be 
within range of an alternate AP, does he have to do something 
manually (such as entering the name of a non-school Jabber server) 
to re-establish Jabber contact to the outside world ?

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