Ideas for testers (what needs testing?)

Martin Langhoff martin at
Tue Apr 29 22:28:56 EDT 2008

This Sunday I will be hosting a small Happy Dev House event in
Wellington (NZ) and an ex-colleague who is a top-notch professional
software tester will be coming around with possibly some more testers.

Are there areas or builds that needs special focus? I have given Shaun
links to the Testing pages in the wiki, and what we have available is

 - 1 B4
 - 1 MP
 - As many qemu VMs as we want ;-)

Should they go through the smoketest on joyride? Or faster? Note that
they are new to the XO+Sugar, though familiar with linux.

For testing on the XOs I need to know what image they'll need to have
on the XOs so I can prepare them beforehand ;-)

(Of course I'll bring an XS with me to the event ;-) but it doesn't
have that much "test surface" specially for new testers.)


 martin at -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first

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