If you need to customize an XO automatically, you should use the Action usb stick

Bryan Berry bryan.berry at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 21:07:02 EDT 2008

thanks giannis and mstone, I look forward to playing w/ this
On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 20:41 -0400, Giannis Galanis wrote:
> **this mail was sent a couple of times, due to devel bounces
> The action USB key offers the capability to customize the XOs nand
> image automatically.
> It is also possible to set certain function perform at every boot.
> It is a very usefull tool to customize quickly many XOs, collect
> information to the usb, transfer files to the XO etc..
> The required can be found here:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/images/a/a9/Actionkey.tar.gz
> To prepare the key:
> 1) Edit the "action" script with commands to be executed once. This
> could involve copying files, collecting data
> 2) Edit the "rc.tweaks" script with commands to be executed at every
> boot. This could involve setting variables, running testing tools
> etc..
> 3) Copy all files(boot dir, bzimage, action, tc.tweaks) to the root,
> along with any other file you need to perform your customization
> To install the key:
> 1) Turn the XO off
> 2) Boot the XO with the usb stick plugged in without holding any game
> key
> 3) Wait until you see "no job control in the shell", and you are done!
> 4) To turnoff type "exit", or simply hold the power button. Remove the
> stick before you boot again
> Notes:
> * The key only works in activated machines with developer keys
> * The path to the usb stick would be /mnt/usb
> * Dont erase the export PATH=.. line from the action key
> * If you copy files back to he usb, make sure you type sync, or exit
> before removing the stick
> * If you wanna install an rpm, you should first copy it locally with
> the action script. Then set it to install with the rc.tweaks script,
> and clear the instruction so it doesnt install the nest time.
> * When booting with the action script, the wireless firmware is not
> loaded
> * Thank mstone for creating this amazing tool!

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