Activity launching problems in joyride

Martin Dengler martin at
Tue Apr 29 08:14:34 EDT 2008

In case anyone using recent joyrides is having problems launching
(most) activities, this workaround may be of use.

The symptom is that activities look like they're launching for a
while, but never do.

The workaround is to:

1a) run Terminal (this still works)
1b) switch to a virtual terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F1)
2) execute:

   sudo /etc/init.d/rainbow restart

3) try the activity launching again

The problem is .  Rainbow races with
X and can lose, thus failing to start.  Then most activities will be
unable to launch (be launched).

You might try checking for this problem by inspecting shell.log:

tail -30 ~/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log

...after trying to launch an activity.  You may see a dbus error about
" was not provided by any files".

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