[sugar] Where is Walter?

J.M. Maurer uwog at uwog.net
Wed Apr 23 10:31:30 EDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 14:05 +0200, Bobby Powers wrote:
> I'm new around here, but it seems like this whole conversation is
> based on a bunch of what-ifs surrounding that AP article.  People
> generally seem on the same page that switching to Windows and non-free
> software would be a Bad Thing.  Maybe we could take a break from
> talking about the sky falling until we hear something from Negroponte
> or someone else at 1CC regarding Windows?

A clear statement on the direction of the project would be a first in
the 1.5 years I'm involved with OLPC. I don't count on it anymore.


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