list of laptops connected to jabber

Dafydd Harries dafydd.harries at
Sat Apr 19 13:45:11 EDT 2008

Ar 18/04/2008 am 23:25, ysgrifennodd Giannis Galanis:
> When connecting to a jabber server, how can we check the list of XOs that
> are seen in the mesh view, or the analyze activity?
> Is checking the gabble log the only way?
> What records in the log indicate arrival or departure?
> When testing with 50 or 100 XOs connected it is often impractical to detect
> missing icons, and a commandline tool would be of more help.

There is a presence service monitor tool; I think it's included in the Analyze

If you log into the the Jabber server, you can just ejabberdctl to list the
connected users.


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