TamTam packaging

Jani Monoses jani at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 19 10:10:44 EDT 2008

> New packages have made into debian testing. You might want to try
> those. Also remember you need to set the OPCODEDIR (OPCODEDIR64 in
> your case) so the csound library can find the plugins (plugins in
> csound include opcode plugins and realtime output modules).

Actually csound works from the command line iff no other app is using
the sound card.
Multiple apps can play simultaneously (flash in firefox, mpg123) but 
csound is not among them.

It uses ALSA for rtaudio and gives this.
  *** Cannot open device 'plughw' for audio output: Device or resource busy

So if no other apps use the sound the pippy sound examples work fine, 
but tamtam activities do not work even then, with many lines such as 
this one in the logs.

insert_score_event(): invalid instrument number or name

I've attached a full log of tamtam mini in case someone can help to 
figure out what could be wrong.


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