Pen Tablet support and a usability study

Patrick Dubroy pdubroy at
Sat Apr 12 20:56:57 EDT 2008

For the last couple months, I've been working on the higher-level
support for the XO Pen Tablet (for more information, see here:

If anyone's interested, I've got a couple of activities available
which will let you play with the tablet on an XO:

- TabletAreaTest
demonstrates a GTK widget that is mapped to tablet input
- tabletui (
explores some user interface prototypes for the unconstrained drawing
case (

These activities have been developed for build 656, meaning they don't
require any special driver support (other than /dev/input/event<x>).
I'd love to see people give these a go and let me know what they

I also just completed a user study on some of my prototype user
interfaces. I've summarized the results here:

Feedback is welcome -- either directly, or on the appropriate Talk page.

Patrick Dubroy - on programming, usability, and hci

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