dropbox mechanism

Dennis Gilmore dennis at ausil.us
Fri Apr 11 22:12:43 EDT 2008

On Friday 11 April 2008, Ricardo Carrano wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to include a new wireless firmware into joyride for testing (proper
> announcement will follow as soon as I find out how).
> It was suggested that I used the dropbox mechanism (
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Build_system#Dropbox_Mechanism ).
> But the instructions are too succinct given my level of knowledge of git
> and OLPC's build process.  Is someone in the list familiar with this? If so
> would this someone give me a hand?
> Thank you!
> Ricardo

I will put the new firmware in if im notified of it.  

File a trac bug assign it to me user dgilmore and I will build it in koji.  
and get it pushed into joyride as well as updated in fedora.

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