Andrew Bennetts andrew-olpc at
Wed Apr 9 03:01:16 EDT 2008

John R.Hogerhuis wrote:
> Let me take a crack at it...
> The closest thing to a valid criticism here is that bitfrost does not protect
> political dissidents from government monitoring and control. Similarly, a valid
> criticism of my shampoo is that it doesn't protect me from falling satellites.

It sounds like basically your assesment is that they misunderstood the purpose
of bitfrost?  If so, then perhaps there is a real problem: the documentation
about bitfrost could be clearer about what problems it is intended to address,
and which it isn't, and why this is reasonable for the OLPC project.

At the moment it sounds a bit like an debate that will go nowhere, due to the
parties involved unwittingly starting with different assumptions.


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