Wireless Congestion Management Option

Aaron Kaplan aaron at lo-res.org
Thu Apr 3 07:59:34 EDT 2008

On Apr 2, 2008, at 5:24 PM, John Watlington wrote:
> Meshes of access points don't tend to change topology over time.
> The laptop mesh very well might.   The need to handle this is one
> of the problems causing congestion.
> Anybody find new algorithms for mobile meshes ?

As well there are plenty - even to many - new algorithms out there!
So, no shortage of those. But... most are not tested in practice.

AFAIK the current trends go more into finding the proper metric .
At www.olsr.org we currently work at implemting ETT metric (and maybe  
This will have a very nice effect on meshes since the routes will be  
chosen also on thruput and interference avoidance.
That especially the last point is very very crucial with anything  
concerning wifi.


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