
Daniel Monteiro Basso daniel at basso.inf.br
Wed Sep 26 23:15:07 EDT 2007

Em Qua, 2007-09-26 às 19:29 -0400, Albert Cahalan escreveu:
> The simple Xlib calls would be:
> loop{
> 1. app writes to inactive private buffer
> 2. app asks X to copy that buffer to video memory
> }
> That's a whole worthless copy.

Actually that would be:

1. app write to a memory buffer
2. app asks X to do a hardware blit to the video memory using the XVideo

... with the additional benefit of being allowed to render to a lower
resolution than the 1200x900, then getting the scale to fullscreen "for
free". Using DGA you'd need to take care of the whole screen yourself.
If you're very creative, surely you could design a game that would do it
under the limits of the current Geode processor, but that's not the
general case.



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