#3655 (Specify the order of the Activity taskbar icons)

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at vpri.org
Sun Sep 23 00:21:58 EDT 2007


> <  I'd say...  our priority (or our message) should be more on the
> "hard fun" items.
> >
> >   What do you think?
> I largely agree.  I would put persistent collaboration on a par with
> hard fun; but then I think multiplayer notepad is among the greatest
> games ever.  And certainly combining the two is something to focus on.
> Some of the better instances of 'hard fun' have learning curves and
> network effects that aren't immediately obvious; emphasis helps to get
> communities to a sweet spot of shared use and feedback.

  I have trouble to figure out what you are agreeing with and what is
this multiplayer game thing.

  Anyway, I'm not entirely sure the "persistent collaboration" is that
big idea.  When you are reading a book, and especially when you are
getting an idea that is going to contradict with the stuff written in
the book, you definitely don't want to hear from your peers or
teachers or talk about your idea too early; that is a recipe for
killing a radical idea.  Collaboration at the right time will
definitely help, but when you are engaging deep thought is not when.

-- Yoshiki

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