Autoreinstallation problem --- current developer build

Steve Fullerton fullerton.steve at
Sat Sep 1 15:42:36 EDT 2007

Autoreinstallation problem - 9/1/07

machine: B4
firmware: q2c25 and q2c26
build: 564

Hi all --- 'followed all the autoreinstallation instructions, plenty
of USB flash properly formatted as FAT; no partitions.  Several
successful autoreinstallations in past 4 weeks.

Firmware reinstalls fine, os564 installs fine until sugar comes up
with "name: " and then "click to change color" screens.

The function loops --- e.g. keeps asking me over and over "name:" and
"click to change color" and will not boot further.

Any ideas?  Has anyone experienced this.  I've tried alot of things
already.  I'll send in a ticket otherwise and try to downgrade to
build 552.


Steve Fullerton

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