log-collect / log-send

C. Scott Ananian cscott at cscott.net
Mon Oct 29 23:08:23 EDT 2007

On 10/29/07, Pascal Scheffers <pascal at scheffers.net> wrote:
> I've created a rough-cut log-collector, it's in d.l.o/git/project/log-
> activity/log-collect.py
> For now, it just outputs some system info, tell me what's missing or
> what would be interesting to include?

My list from the whiteboard here (some of this you may already be including):
  a) the current date and time on the machine (in case the clock is
set far to the future or past)
  b) what OS build?  What firmware build? (i think you've got these already)
  c) output of /usr/bin/uptime
  d) network statistics -- can it reach www.laptop.org?  what DNS is it using?
       basically, the output of /sbin/ifconfig, /sbin/route -n, and
the contents of /etc/resolv.conf.

> I don't know yet how to list installed activities... would that be
> just `ls /usr/share/activities/`? Or is there a package list?

/usr/share/activities and /home/olpc/Activities.  Sugar might also
provide an enumeration; I don't know.

> And then the main purpose: sending logs to OLPC, either using http-
> post or email or usb-stick or... but what logs should I collect? Just
> all of them? ~/.sugar/default/logs/* and /var/log/* ? Or should it be
> more selective?

Probably the last 1k or so of each log, but there may be a --full
command-line option to include the whole thing.  I'd say http post is
probably the most robust, but if the problems have to do with network
connectivity, they'll want to put the logs on a USB stick or SD card.

> What about privacy/sensitive information? Will there be any in the
> logs or system info?

Don't include the UUID.  Other stuff should be okay.

                         ( http://cscott.net/ )

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