Vexed with an Eclipse PyDev problem

Gerard J. Cerchio gjpc at
Sat Nov 24 11:08:53 EST 2007

Are the any Eclipse Pydev users in the house? 

I have a problem with the Pydev not recognizing parts of the Python objects.

For instance:
    if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)

yields the error:

    Undefined variable from import: keyval_name    PlayGo/src    line 13    1195852124690    178

Yet the program executes just fine. I system update tool updated my 
pyGTK on my stock Fedora 7 and when I ask the python 2.5 that comes up 
in the the shell for the method keyval_name, it is there in help(). This 
is the python 2.5 that I set  Pydev using in Window->preferences. Here 
are a few notes on how I setup eclipse:

So why isn't PyDev finding all the parts of my stock objects? Could it 
be finding an older PyGTK on the machine for the IDE and using the newer 
one for execution?

Any Pointers would be greatly appreciated, my O'Reily Python library 
does not arrive till next week.

Gerard J. Cerchio

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