Updates for Update.1 from Joyride

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Tue Nov 20 15:40:00 EST 2007

On Nov 20, 2007, at 20:43 , Jim Gettys wrote:

> Joyride and Update.1 were synchronized as of Monday evening,  
> November 21.

I guess you made a sign error when subtracting 1 from today and meant  
Nov. 19th.

But, more importantly - could you let us know what the plan is with  
Update.1? I see that Ship.1 is scheduled to be shipped next week, and  
Ship.2 one day later. Update.1 appears to have been pushed out by 2  
weeks. Is it still the case that Update.1 will be put on each mass- 
produced laptop before it reaches the end users? If so, then what is  
Ship.2 for?


- Bert -

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