Q2D04 available for testing

Mitch Bradley wmb at laptop.org
Fri Nov 9 11:55:14 EST 2007

The firmware release candidate for Update.1 is ready for testing


The most significant improvements are in the firmware networking 
support.  OFW wireless networking is completely broken in Q2D03 due to a 
problem with the firmware in the wireless module.  Q2D04 works around 
that problem, and also fixes a few other issues that made association 
with wireless access points rather hit or miss.

The main thing that I would like for people to test is the ability to 
update the NAND filesystem wirelessly via the firmware.

Please see http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/2740 for details of the 
procedure the firmware uses to find the update image.

Basically, you need a signed image  (osXXX.img + corresponding fs.zip) 
on something that acts like a school server.  Acting like a SS means that it

* uses the IP address
* has a wireless AP whose SSID is either school-mesh-0, school-mesh-1, 
or school-mesh-2 .
* has an HTTP server that serves the osXXX.img and fs.zip files from the 
http root directory

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