[Localization] New localisation workflow: Overview and status

tekelsey at gmail.com tekelsey at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 12:31:00 EDT 2007

I hope I don't get whacked over the head with a wet noodle, but would it make sense to use subversion for general content (such as user created documentation) instead of git? a) keeps content away from git, b) is easier to use for educators?

not as authoritative as git but maybe it's ok with documentation since one can do a visual read? Then if pootle was connected to subversion, you could always have a border crossing where any strings going over the border are given git hashes and checksumsm

-----Original Message-----

From:  "Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero" <dirakx at gmail.com>
Subj:  Re: [Localization] New localisation workflow: Overview and status
Date:  Thu Nov 1, 2007 12:48 am
Size:  1K
To:  "Marco Pesenti Gritti" <mpgritti at gmail.com>
cc:  devel <devel at lists.laptop.org>; sugar at lists.laptop.org;localization at lists.laptop.org

On 10/31/07, Marco Pesenti Gritti <mpgritti at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/31/07, Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu at gmail.com> wrote:
> > ** Current Status **
> >
> > Most of the scripts, etc are ready, and we are quite satisfied with the
> > results of what we have seen so far using local repositories. The only
> > major "blocker" issue that is left to be resolved is the question of GIT
> > access to dev.laptop.org for the Pootle user. The most optimal solution
> > for this is to use the newly released support for GIT submodules (where
> > the po directory can be a separate submodule of a project). This
> > isolates the PO directory from the rest of the project, minimising the
> > chances of Pootle messing something other than translations :-).
> >
> > However, we would like to hear from developers on this - does having a
> > new submodule under your project tree complicate your job ? Information
> > on git submodules and how to use them is available at
> > http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitSubmoduleTutorial

>From my point of view this is not really necessary, we can keep on doing our
actual simlinks and script scheme, although is not an entirely integration
to git (from the pootle point of view), from the d.l.o side is the  better
solution, but anyway  im not saying that we shouldn't keep on trying to find
a complete solution for this, but this solution  does not have to be so

So i agree with marco that we have to write a tutorial about this, but the
procedure is not difficult, taking in count that we have to handle the
translation sync from the translate machine, and this is made by git pull
from all the activities.


Is this really necessary? Git is complicated enough for new comers so
> if we can avoid additional complexity I think we should do it.

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