TamTam to .oggg

Jean Piché jean at piche.com
Mon May 28 12:06:48 EDT 2007


Yes. We have discussed this a fair amount. The main problem is the  
important storage space required for (relatively) long audio files.  
This would be the only way for non-XOs owners to hear the music done  
by the kids indeed.  Exchanging between XOs is not going to be a  
problem. But we do need a solution for exporting audio files (perhaps  
at a lower sampling rate?) outside.


On 28-May-07, at 10:10 AM, Rebecca Gettys wrote:

> Hello, all,
> I was playing around with one of the green machines, and I noticed  
> that
> TamTam has no way of exporting to .ogg or some other web format, so  
> that
> non olpc users can have theses children's musci if they so desire. Is
> this in the plans?
> ~Rebecca
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