A different proposal for XO upgrade.

C. Scott Ananian cscott at laptop.org
Tue Jun 26 13:57:35 EDT 2007

On 6/26/07, Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at redhat.com> wrote:
> (I know that some Red Hat
> guys did something like this for a customer where an entire bank's set
> of terminals could be completely re-imaged after a power failure in 20
> seconds using a mutlicast-rsync setup.  I should see more about that.)

That does sound very interesting.  Please do.

> I like the system that scott proposed for how often we should look at
> updates and the idea of a "lead" to say "hey, I'm getting this update so
> don't look."  (It sounds strangely familiar to an idea that I shared
> with scott over lunch a month or so ago so of course I like it!)

I also like it, but this is a situation where the best is the enemy of
the good-enough. =)  We can revisit broadcast updates,
multicast-rsync, and all sorts of fancy goodness once the basic system
is working -- and Ivan's proposal seems most likely to get that robust
basic system up quickly.

                         ( http://cscott.net/ )

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