Network Traffic and Multicast

Alfonso de la Guarda alfonsodg at
Mon Jun 25 23:57:11 EDT 2007


After EduKT and AmiGO, we are working on ITv which has been develop for any
OS except XO because the usage of 2 very dynamic libraries: tubes and gst
(for regular linux/windows we are using vlc/twisted).... the next week we
will launch a video demo of ITv (Interactive Television), which allows 1
video channel and 3 real time data channel.... however i have to know about
the performance of the network, bandwidth usage for multicast, dead times
over a stream, coverage (ideal range) of the mesh... the goal is optimize
the traffic consume and low latency issues.



Alfonso de la Guarda
        ICTEC SAC
Telef. 97550914
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