XO in-field upgrades

C. Scott Ananian cscott at laptop.org
Mon Jun 25 16:08:09 EDT 2007

There are multicast MAC addresses at Layer 2, and if I'm not mistaken
we can bind to them and thus get woken up on multicast.  Michail, is
this right?  (You seemed to say something slightly different.)

On 6/25/07, Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 15:56 -0400, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
> > minimal. Are we expecting to do online updating or will it be more of a
> > windows-style "shut it all down then patch"?
> I think that for phase one we can do it during a shutdown/restart cycle.

Will this be fast enough if we find a big ol' root exploit in our
system?  I recall people arguing before that making boot pretty wasn't
a priority "because the kids will never reboot".  I assume that
updating during shutdown/restart means we have a big "you must reboot
now" message which comes up and annoys the user?  Will kids ignore

In any case, we need to do some sort of COW system even if we do
shutdown/restart, because the system will continue running
indefinitely with the old code until the kids get bored enough to
reboot (if ever).

                         ( http://cscott.net/ )

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