White background with OLPC logo

Bernardo Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Thu Jun 7 21:04:06 EDT 2007

Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
>>> I'm not attaching the patch because the OLPC logo as an
>>> ASCII PPM file makes a big diff.  Please pull from:
>> Can you at least post the first patch, or move the tree to d.l.o
>> so we can use the git web viewer?  I don't have the wherewithall
>> to download a new tree just for these two patches.
> Here they are, both of them, except for the image data
> that is anyway identical to the OFW logo, just sanitized
> of jpeg ants and converted to PPM.

I also have patches for Sugar, olpc-hardware-manager
and /usr/local/bin/dm to freeze and unfreeze dcon while
starting X11.

These changes will integrate nicely with Mitch's icon
loader for the framebuffer or any other splash screen.

We may alwo want to pass -wr (white root window) to Xorg
1.3+ to beautify startup when dcon is not frozen.

   // Bernardo Innocenti
 \X/  http://www.codewiz.org/

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