new list: grassroots at - international network mailinglist for OLPC grassroots organizations

Aaron Kaplan aaron at
Sat Jul 28 15:23:31 EDT 2007

grassroots at

please subscribe there in case you are running a local OLPC  
grassroots organization or if you are active in one.

   OLPC Argentina
   OLPC Romania,

Upon subscribing, please briefly describe which organization you are  
from. Most of us only know the
people in the center of attention but not so much the people from the  
local groups.

The goal of the list is to exchange experiences in running local  
country organizations. Promotion work,
legal issues, marketing, etc. In short: anything related to local  

I strongly believe that the local groups over the long run can have  
an important impact to the whole project.
So let's get started!

thanks for your attention,
Aaron Kaplan.

C.O.S.H.E.R. - Completely Open Source Headers Engineering and Research

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