Location of Open Firmware BIOS Source code

Mitch Bradley wmb at laptop.org
Tue Jul 24 15:02:14 EDT 2007

It's in Subversion at svn://openbios.org/openfirmware .

Edward J. Krohne wrote:
> To All,
> Can anyone help me find the location of the OFW source code? The link 
> on the git page on the OLPC web site is empty (e.g. not committed).
> In the trac database, it is mentioned that the source /is/ available 
> in git. If someone could provide the command line to retrieve it, I 
> would greatly appreciate it!
> I specifically need to find how the “flash” command in the BIOS is 
> implemented.
> Thank you in advance!
> Sincerely,
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