how to force recompute and get html results

Don Hopkins dhopkins at
Tue Jul 17 19:18:27 EDT 2007

If getResults.php doesn't seem to be working, then it is probably 
throwing some kind of an error, possibly due to one of the ffqname.php 
To find out the line number, plug the user_ffq_id into the following url 
and load it in a browser.
Or you can look in /tmp/php_error.txt, but sometimes it crashes before 
setting up the error handler.

Don Hopkins wrote:
> The resultType=html gets the html page instead of the default laszlo xml 
> page.
> The force=1 forces it to recompute, to pick up changes to the analysis 
> code, data or the templates.
> The user_ffq_id is the id of the session.
>     -Don
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