Inkscape and OLPC

James Cameron quozl at
Thu Feb 8 18:14:34 EST 2007

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 11:04:20PM +0000, Jon Phillips wrote:
> I'm not so familiar with all the drawing capabilities for the device
> yet, but seems like an Inkscape-like app would be excellent (but
> possibly too complicated). Our canvas is great ;)

There is a mouse touchpad.  There will be a drawing or writing touchpad
either side.  There are two mouse buttons, left and right.  The screen
is 1200x900 pixels, 200DPI, colour or monochrome, and windows take up
the whole screen usually.

If you have a spare 5 to 9 year old, sit them in front of Inkscape and
ask them to do something.  You'll rapidly learn what they need.  I've
only used Inkscape for half an hour, so I'm not able to comment on it.

I've tried a B-test-1 laptop unit with build 239 and Tux Paint on a two
year old.  That seemed to work well.  "yum install tuxpaint".

James Cameron    mailto:quozl at

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