attempt to access beyond end of device

Charles Galpin charles at
Sat Dec 29 01:36:45 EST 2007

On Dec 28, 2007, at 12:31 PM, Charles Galpin wrote:

> Hi All, first time poster, happy to be part of this community
> How I got here: I downloaded an olpc image, expanded it to 2G using
> gpartd per the wiki, wrote it to a USB stick, booted my XO off it,
> added dome dev tools and started building the kernel (slowly :) ).
> Despite having 400M free, I started getting these messages in the logs
> and finally the kernel compile (using rpmbuild) failed.
> Any idea what has gone wrong?  Did I perhaps make the image larger
> than my USB stick? How can I tell if this is the case?

Just for the archives, this was indeed the problem. I ran fdisk to see  
the size of the actual image on the USB disk and it was smaller than  
the size when running the image under parallels.

My kernel compile failed due to the lack of the glibc-headers rpm.


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