I got a developer key -- now what? :)

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Sat Dec 29 00:02:39 EST 2007


   > I signed up for a developer key, so I have one now. But what can I
   > do with it?
You can do anything that you'd expect to do with a standard laptop;
install any operating system, and flash a new BIOS.

   > How can I be sure I'm not going to nuke the XO beyond all recovery?
   > Is there some kind of documentation on what's risky and what's
   > safe?

You're safe no matter what you do to the NAND, because the firmware can
flash a new NAND image from USB.  If you want to be sure of not bricking
it, you should avoid flashing firmware that isn't signed by OLPC.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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