[PATCH] [XoIRC] Make default nicks more meaningful (#5385)

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Fri Dec 28 08:22:34 EST 2007

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 at 18:36:49 -0600, Phil Bordelon wrote:
> By default, XoIRC uses the username when another nick is not
> provided.  Alas, for every XO, this is 'olpc'.  This makes for
> rather a mess in the IRC channels.
> This patch instead generates a more-meaningful nick:
> * It takes up to 11 alphabetic characters from the user's Sugar
>   nick;
> * it appends a hyphen; and
> * it adds the last four hexadecimal digits of the MD5 hash of
>   the user's public key.

If you instead chose the *first* few hex digits of the *SHA-1* of the user's
public key, it'd match the beginning of the XO's default userIDs in the normal
activity sharing/chat mechanism, which may be useful if you're trying to sort
out network issues.

In the XMPP/Jabber backend, the account Sugar currently tries to create is the
hex SHA-1 of the public key, plus "@", plus the server name. In the
link-local ("Bonjour") backend, Sugar uses the first few hex digits of
the SHA-1 of the public key (I forget how many - I think it's 6 or 8?)
plus "@" and the XO's hostname (which defaults to xo-11-22-33 if the MAC
address is xx:xx:xx:11:22:33).

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