activity downloadable from wiki that may contain malcious code?

Roger Carhuatocto rcarhuatocto at
Wed Dec 26 16:17:27 EST 2007

> On Dec 25, 2007 5:19 PM, Korakurider <korakurider at> wrote:
> Hmm...
> Typical solution would be signing package and validation of sign on install.
> (while I don't think kids can understand very well about "trust" in this context...)
> Do we have plan to implement similar functionality?

Yes, It is a good solutions, but this is difficult to understand for
the kids ... and for the biggest too.
Security/Trust and Accessibility/Usability are things opposed, We have
in mind a Security Principle in the Software Design: The Principle of
Psychological acceptability.
In brief, the browser or any client apps have to manage transparently
security issues such as checksum verification when
downloading/installing package, etc.

Well, I think that those security techniques have to be implement into
browser (Gecko engine) as add-ons. A nice add-on to include are the
classic anti-phishing toolbars (netcraft toolbar, google toolbar,
paps, etc.).. this could be an initial parental control... Some
opinions, ideas??

Are there some OLPC's project related to security web/mail
navigation??, I would like to colaborate.


Roger Carhuatocto
Mobile: +34 629292125

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