Sugar on Slackware 12.0

Cesare Marilungo cesare at
Mon Dec 24 21:01:30 EST 2007

I just wanted to report that I've sucessfully got sugar built and 
running on Slackware 12.

Of course there are a lot of dependencies to install (gstreamer and 
friends, some gnome libs) and some library to update if you start from a 
fresh Slackware installation. But sugar is not so hard to build in 
distros other than Fedora and Ubuntu, really.

I did:

sugar-jhbuild update
sugar-jhbuild built

and then I compiled and installed the missing libraries and the python 

The most tricky part was Xephyr, which was missing. Since I didn't want 
to mess with my xorg installation I just took xorg-server- source 
(which is the version that ships with Slackware 12) and compiled it with:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/xserver-xephyr 
--exec-prefix=/usr/local/xserver-xephyr --enable-kdrive --enable-xephyr 
&& make && make install

Then I made a symbolic link to xephyr in /usr/local/bin.

Should I add this infos on the wiki?




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