Hosting request: epaati

Luke Gorrie luke at
Tue Dec 18 03:11:51 EST 2007

1. Project name             : E-Paati (unix: epaati)
2. Existing website, if any : our blog -- relevant entries:

3. One-line description     : Squeak-based classroom learning activities.

4. Longer description       : E-Paati is a collection of learning activities
                            : written in Squeak/Etoys and tailored specifically
                            : to implement the official Nepali curriculum.
                            : E-Paati is a joint project between Open Learning
                            : Exchange Nepal and the Department of Education.

5. URLs of similar projects : Tell us if you know some! :-)

6. Committer list 

      Username   Full name             SSH2 key URL                    E-mail
      --------   ---------             ------------                    ------
   #1 lukego     Luke Gorrie   lukego at
   #2 surendra   Surendra Sedhai       (below)                         surendra at

surendra's public key:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAx9Cr2tZ1XeE6JzAdVmm3mL8dCioUcLJoWfBuJQSJaYpignLcqunPu94O7mKvJMLp+KyKDzXh9bIIwPK/ZsMdUtcPHFzv0mphJhmnkuUJcZzuv7Nk7a9t+kka0I00ZKrGDqN195JiXnNf9IfBVS6IsNGzAVNQ7EMKP9PIB4dOmqnZ0g5HHPJGj4yI9L/xfuzh4nabgycUB1Xgv2FRhGDBKFi7lAJtmLg3W/n6z/A7SUaIjbJDRLDhdZZk41ZKXNA2RUN8QHdFkPLXRfMRsqlbCWHPXLCEY2+0t4B4S0aOdu68x72fD6i2ejp4AiUw5JHXDLWGyg0oMvZbXsp4H8JNyw== surendra at surendra

7. Preferred development model

   SVN repository preferred (as Etoys has). If this is not possible
   then we will use a server of our own for the repository. (We are
   primarily storing binary data - Squeak Projects - and we don't want
   to use GIT for this.)

8. Set up a project mailing list:

   [X] No

9. Commit notifications

   [X] No commit notifications, please

10. Shell accounts

   One shell account so that we can publish an activity bundle for

11. Translation

   [ ] Set up the Pootle server to allow translation commits to be made
   [ ] Translation arrangements have already been made at _______________

12. Notes/comments:

   How to handle translation is under discussion with the Etoys guys
   so we're not requesting Pootle at this time.

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