test result, wireless 5.110.20.p47 on build 406.15 on B2, okay

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Wed Dec 12 00:25:11 EST 2007

Placed build 406.15 on a B2, then applied wireless firmware 5.110.20.p47
to it per John Watlington's mail earlier.

Verified that "ethtool -i eth0" showed the new version in use.

Verified that the OpenWRT access point that had previously shown a WDS
interface for each booted laptop ... no longer showed them.

LEDs flashing nicely.

Browse loaded web pages fine.

In summary, no issues found.

Now I shall try the test with two laptops in the same version

James Cameron    mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org     http://quozl.netrek.org/

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