Reducing pygame cpu-load to < 4 %

Chris Ball cjb at
Tue Dec 11 14:35:19 EST 2007


   > The suspend-function (from wouldn't work here in the emu,
   > because only root hast write-access to /sys/power/state. Is this
   > possible on the xo, and are there other ways to suspend as well?

I don't think the suspend call should be necessary; after thirty seconds
of being "paused" and idle, OHM should suspend the machine automatically
if the CPU use has dropped down.  We'll experiment.  I agree that the
current code will fail due to permissions.

   > Btw, for monitoring the load of the imagequiz, i've written a
   > little script to capture a single process and it's system
   > load. It's plugin-based and outputs as text in the console and/or
   > as graph with gtk:

Looks good!

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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