Bundling Python extensions that depend on C libraries

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Sat Dec 8 03:59:54 EST 2007

On Dec 8, 2007, at 1:15 , Asheesh Laroia wrote:

> I'd like to bundle a Python C extension and use it from my  
> activity.  This
> requires Python to dlopen() a shared library whose path can change
> depending on where the activity is installed, but also whose path is
> different than on my desktop where I built the .xo.
> Initially I tried to set os['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] from within Python,  
> but I
> learned this would not affect the running application
> <http://hathawaymix.org/Weblog/2004-12-30>.
> In the Log Viewer, I read:
> <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: liblicense.so.0: cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory
> I tried changing my activity.info to read, in part (all on one line):
> exec = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/olpc/Activities/License.activity/built/ 
> lib
> sugar-activity ccactivity.LicensingActivity -s
> but the error persisted.
> I know this is a sort of strange thing to do, but what's a  
> reasonable way
> to do it?  Thanks, as always!

Not strange at all. I argued before that Sugar should in fact set  
LD_LIBRARY_PATH before executing an activity:


But that would not help you for already shipped versions of Sugar.

What should work is that you run a simple script in the exec line.  
Put that in bin/ of your bundle:

exec sugar-activity ...

- Bert -

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