Auto-building emulator downloads

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Sun Aug 26 18:28:38 EDT 2007

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2007, at 12:01 , Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
>> We are getting very close to having fully-working VMWare and 
>> VirtualBox emulation.
> Very cool. Could you make a working VirtualBox image of the latest 
> stable release available? That in itself would be incredibly useful.
Which brings me back to the need for a server with a reasonable 
connection on which to run the conversion.  My home cable connection 
gets ~ 4Kbps upstream (which we discovered with uploading the 
Developer's Images, stupid throttling), which makes even a 200MB upload 
painful (14 some-odd hours).  I'm thinking we can just put a box at 1cc 
(or wherever) to do the conversions.  Installing Qemu takes a few 
minutes on any reasonable Linux machine and the script will produce the 
VMWare image within a matter of seconds from the downloaded file (all 
automated), *much* faster than my uploading it from way out here.

VirtualBox is the one that has both network and sound working, btw.  
VMWare only has networking at the moment (just a missing driver).  BTW, 
stable release 542 does *not* have the drivers, so it will *not* work.

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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