Game and Directional pad input question.

Mitch Bradley wmb at
Fri Aug 10 14:54:40 EDT 2007

Edward J. Krohne wrote:
> You folks have been very helpful before, so I have another question I 
> need answered as soon as possible.
> I have seen that the Game Pad and Directional Pad switches are scanned 
> and read by the EC. There appears to be a driver for the EC that 
> issues a command (6C) in order to read the button state.

That is one way to read the buttons, but from the OS, it is better to 
use the fact that game button state changes appear in the PS2 keyboard 
stream as make/break scan codes.
> Here are my questions:
> 1)      Are my premises above correct?
> 2)      How is a button state change event recognized?
> 3)      How is that event detected by, or injected into, the 
> application(s) above?
> Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can provide!
> Sincerely,
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