Two presents from AMD...

Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006 at
Thu Sep 28 10:13:50 EDT 2006

Jim Gettys wrote:
> 1) the VSA source code is now in Git: thanks to Jordan for bird-dogging
> this.;a=summary Many of you know
> this, but for those that don't: the VSA code can only be built currently
> using very obsolete and no longer commercially available versions of
> various Windows compilers and other tools.  But it does mean you can see
> how it works, and we know that if we really had to, we could fix
> problems.

Quoting from the README.txt in the VSA code:
"It is under the GNU LGPL."

That's really great! Thanks Jordan!

On a related note, this means ALL code running on the host CPU is
completely open source. (Probably worth a news item in the community

The wireless firmware is now the only closed source code in the ROM
(and the next OLPC revision will hopefully have the wireless firmware
built around an opensource kernel).


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