Touchpad testing.

Zephaniah E. Hull warp at
Thu Sep 21 13:54:53 EDT 2006

For what it's worth, I can confirm that using wrmsr on a running board
to set those MSRs to those values does seem to fix the problem and give
us a proper sample rate.

Zephaniah E. Hull.

On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 09:48:51AM -0600, Ronald G Minnich wrote:
> Vance.Ke at wrote:
> > We find where is the main problem. There are two MSR registers needed to set correctly in LinuxBIOS. One is 0x51400025 (IRQ Mapper LPC Mask) , setting its value for 0x00001002 ; the other one is 0x5140004E (LPC Serial IRQ Control) , setting its value for 0xEFFD0080.
> >
> correction. I will commit this as soon as I understand it, and as soon
> as I am sure we all agree it's the right commit to make.
> ron

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being in a straightjacket, but it's a really comfy and warm
straightjacket, and the world would be a safer place if everyone was
straightjacketed most of the time.        -- Overheard in the SDM.
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