editing scripts in linuxbios

Chris Ball cjb at mrao.cam.ac.uk
Thu Sep 14 16:36:29 EDT 2006

Hi, Martin.

   > Ah, well. I will refrain for the time being from hacking on those
   > scripts, specially since I don't have a PLCC Flash chip (is that
   > standard hw I can source independently?).

We've been buying from AVNet, as linked from:


.. but it looks like they're now out of stock, with a 14-week lead time.
Can anyone suggest an alternate supplier?

   > On a related angle, the current scripts try NAND first, and USB
   > second. If I install to NAND, is there a way to force a boot from
   > USB?

If you have a keyboard hooked up, pressing escape at the LinuxBIOS
progress bar will get you to the boot menu.  There's currently no 
way to change the boot device over serial, though.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at mrao.cam.ac.uk>    <http://blog.printf.net/>

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