Idea to LinuxIOS

Mitch Bradley wmb at
Thu Sep 14 13:16:16 EDT 2006

Puppy Linux bit the (size) bullet and migrated to 2.6 (.17 at present).

The Damn Small Linux FAQ has this to say (ref 

>       Will DSL ever use the 2.6 kernel? Has it even been considered?
> There are currently no plans to move to a 2.6.x kernel, for the 
> following reasons.
>     * The 2.6.x kernel is significantly bigger than the 2.4.x kernel,
>       so it would cramp DSL's functionality.
>     * The 2.6.x kernel drops a lot of support for legacy technologies,
>       hardware, etc, and we want to keep DSL functional on as much
>       hardware as possible
>     * All major improvements that have occured to the 2.6.x tree have
>       been, and are being backported to the 2.4.x tree, by a very
>       active backporting team. And even though Linus said he would not
>       participate in the backporting process this time, the demand for
>       2.4.x kernel maintenence is about the same as the demand for
>       updates and improvements to the 2.6.x kernel, so even he has
>       helped in the process, though not as much as what he does toward
>       2.6 development. For evidence of this activity, take a look at
>, where you can see, the 2.4.30 kernel was released,
>       just a few days after 2.6.10.

John R. wrote:
> The OLPC ship has already sailed on this. 2.6 is the choice, has
> momentum, etc. Similarly for distro... already chosen.
> 2.4 vs. 2.6 It is an interesting question generally though. Tiny Linux
> distros like Damn Small Linux that target underpowered machines choose
> to stay with a 2.4 kernel. Does anyone have specifics on why that is?
> It's interesting to discuss probably not as an alternative kernel for
> OLPC, but more in terms of what impact the choice of 2.6 will have on
> OLPC, and how we can mitigate.
> -- John.
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